On second thought, Conrad considered, perhaps the expansions to the cottage hadn't been such a foolish wish after all.
You have heard of him whose misery (the gratification of his own foolish wish) was, that he turned every thing he touched into gold.
It was a foolish wish.
That's a foolish wish, unless you have spoiled your life.
That is, of course, an absolutely foolish wish; in due time you will be better able to appreciate the importance of dying.
That caused her to go along with his foolish wish.
Lunzie, it is a sentimental thing, a foolish wish, and I do not like myself for revealing it.
"Take heart, lad, and you will win your foolish wish in spite of these creatures, if it be the will of Allah."
He half expected a live person to congratulate him, but also realized that that was a foolish wish.
It embarrassed her to have such a foolish wish, but there it was.