Though they hold foolish beliefs which are reprehensible, we do not have the power to change them.
Dr. Of course she will take you with her, but you will have to rid yourself of all your foolish beliefs and acquire understanding.
It was my foolish belief, when her letter came, that she would treat you differently from the way she treated me.
Had he and others doomed the Federation because of their foolish belief that it was invulnerable?
I will prove my superiority to all you young upstarts, with your foolish egalitarian beliefs and petty social rituals.
However, it is quite reasonable to believe that this is true, whereas there is no reason at all in the foolish belief of the Mahars.
"He talked about what pleasure we could give each other if I would give up my foolish and anachronistic belief about exclusive relationships," she said.
A foolish, almost childish belief, because they were the children she prized the most.
The Church of the time, rather than opposing witchcraft, opposed what it saw as the foolish and backward belief in witchcraft.
'I was just thinking about your foolish and utterly misguided belief that there's a drugs ring in this club,' she said coldly.