Or may I go and still criticize Israel for what I see as some foolhardy decisions?
It was a foolhardy decision, and one I daresay I wouldn't have made half a year ago.
His fortune was an undeserved reward for his prodigious strength and a foolhardy decision to take a shortcut through a giant's domain.
Cursing himself for what he now had to consider a foolhardy decision, the rogue leaped ahead, daggers slashing.
"In truth, he made a lot of foolhardy decisions," she said.
But he hoped it was not a foolhardy decision.
For a split second Shea considered getting out of there, but realized immediately what a foolhardy decision that would be.
I understand that I am to make, and only a few weeks from now, a decision so foolhardy on the surface of it as hardly to be believed.
That was a most foolhardy decision to make.
The spontaneous acceptance of the challenge to rescue Vveryl by the paraman Lensmen was not a foolhardy decision.