And it managed the increased food output without the economic inequities that accompanied development elsewhere in Africa.
Many farms had more family workers than could be fully employed, and so migration to the cities could occur without loss of food output.
Under his leadership, Zimbabwe has made impressive economic and social gains, and its food output has climbed.
Optimists believe that few agricultural areas are producing close to their theoretical limits, leaving room for a second big leap in food output.
Persistent drought and desertification, population expansion, and the need to increase food output have forced many northern Arabs to look south for lands and resources.
Raising the status of women is the key to greater food output, better health care and increased literacy in developing countries.
Despite the good intentions, these programs have been unable to reverse the continent's steady slide in per capita food output.
By using sorghum byproducts to feed their camels, they have been able to significantly increase food output per unit area.
Good agricultural practice, unlike for example the production of biodiesel, can guarantee both food output and carbon capture.
Second, the growth of fertilizer use, the engine that drove the growth in food output, is slowing.