Bags fresh from the grocery store may retain both interesting food odors and traces of volatile chemicals used in making flexible plastics.
Try to stay away from strong food odors, which can make nausea worse.
In the cases usually used to support these assertions, he writes, many things might have attracted the bears, including food odors.
"If that's the cheery na Wola come back because she forgot something, the food odors are going to send her screaming into the rain."
Her stomach grumbled as the food odors grew stronger and more complex and inviting.
Use a small fan to blow food odors away from patients.
Sniffing the food odors did more to awaken his companions than did the alarm.
However, medical authorities recommend parsley only for transient food odors.
The subjects reacted faster to the images paired with the food odors than to other images that had no pleasant associations.
Avoid tobacco smoke and other strong odors, especially pungent food odors.