They were outraged to learn that the workers were stealing the food intended for the patients.
"We've nothing but the mutated bees now, Johnny - not a single creature to spread disease or eat food intended for humans."
At the age of 11, Tang had to wake up early to assist with preparing food intended for later distribution to customers.
It is the statutory obligation to treat food intended for human consumption in a controlled and managed way.
"A lot of the food intended for civilians simply ends up in the hands of soldiers," a relief official said.
In fact, according to official estimates, less than 50 percent of the food intended for the 40,000 displaced people here ever gets to them.
Others sat cross-legged, cooking rice and wrapping small packets of food intended for survivors.
Dog food refers to food specifically intended for consumption by dogs.
Each holds packaged and canned food intended for a family of four.
I support the draft resolution regarding health claims on foods intended for children.