Depending on the outcome, a similar number could lose their seats following the verdict of the electorate.
Following the verdict Steele expressed publicly that he wanted his job back.
In a statement following the verdict, the police called for any other women who may have been attacked by Worboys to come forward.
This trial is ongoing and the possibility of protests following the verdict remains.
Following the verdict, Gerrard said he was looking forward to getting back to playing football and putting the experience behind him.
He collapsed following the verdict and had to be carried out.
At a press conference following the verdict, Selek vowed to continue her struggle for justice.
In the weeks following the verdict, Pynex couldn't top fifty, and the other three were down at least twenty percent.
Rape crisis centers received record number of calls following the verdict.
Court officers said the jurors were clearly shaken by the outburst following the verdict.