The trade collapsed following the industrial production of cotton in Great Britain, and was virtually extinct by 1837.
Following the production of the serial a new edition of the book was published.
The composer had had a stroke following the production of several of his operas, none very well received.
He was relieved of his duties following the production of the first season.
Following the production at sea, de Bont said that filming on water "was 100 percent more difficult than [he] imagined".
Following the 1990 production both the interior and façade of the theatre were renovated and the stage mechanics modernised.
Following the production of two albums, Clarke and Hart split up.
Following the production of Planet of the Apes (2001), the director wanted to get back to making a smaller film.
Lucas proposed adapting the surrealist comic book following the production of American Graffiti.
Following the production of the movie, he stated that the process was so exhausting he would not like to direct another anime again.