Following both the presentation and the response call-in participants were invited to ask questions about the research presented.
Following the presentation, the Herricks students mingled with members of the panel.
Following the formal presentation of the paper, two speakers are invited to comment by prior arrangement.
At a reception following the presentation, the authors will sign copies of their books.
Following the presentation, visitors can view Service's home through the windows and front door.
An individual may be made bankrupt only by court order following the presentation of a bankruptcy petition.
Following the initial presentation, which lasts a maximum of 15 minutes, the judges have the opportunity to ask questions about what has been said.
Following the presentation of the shortened and new ending version, Dagbladet stated that "they could just as well have kept the old one".
Following the presentation of those articles to him he asked me to be the keynote speaker at that conference.
Following the presentation we had a number of conversations about the principles of any agreement.