In the weeks following the assault and murder, Sharpton led several marches through Bensonhurst.
The three are soon arrested following the assault.
Following the initial assault, the group hauled ammunition and supplies to France and continued training.
Henderson, who is an actor, says he has been unable to get work following the assault.
Following the sexual assault, the boy and his family slipped out of the country, while her daughter lapsed into a deep depression.
Following the assault, she becomes timid and scared, not wanting to leave the house.
For a time following the assault he was paralysed, but later recovered the use of his legs.
Following the initial assault, she continued to provide close air support for the thrust inland to recapture Seoul.
Following the sexual assault, Darrell Suber warned the others that the girl would go to the police if they did not kill her.
Following the assault, it was intended that the craft would be sent on to India and Burma.