Elfvin became a federal judge following his nomination to the court by President Gerald Ford in 1974.
Feith left the firm in 2001, following his nomination as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy.
Most of the medals were presented to people following their nomination by the sports community.
Palin's experience in foreign and domestic politics came under criticism among conservatives as well as liberals following her nomination.
He served as a deputy until August 1972, when he left his seat following his nomination as a member of the government.
The general appeared before the committee as part of the confirmation process following his nomination to be the Army's chief of staff.
Following their nomination, Mike and Kent were involved in various arguments with one another.
During the campaign following his nomination, Millard spoke for 60 consecutive nights, except Sundays, and traveled throughout the state.
Following my nomination, the final selection for an appointment will be made by the academy itself.
Following his nomination in June, McKinley's team had believed that the election would be fought on the issue of the protective tariff.