Following his failed bid for re-election, Quirino retired from politics to private life in 1953.
Following his successful bid, he announced that his painting was to hang at the art gallery of the auto racing resort, under development at the time.
The location of the venue was decided in January 1990, following Lillehammer's successful bid to host the 1994 Winter Olympics.
Minett retired from football in June 2008 following Grantham's unsuccessful bid for promotion.
It was initially thought that Dixon would retire from football in June 2008 following Grantham's unsuccessful bid for promotion.
Franklin was an early supporter of George H. W. Bush following his bid for the 1988 nomination.
Some might consider this a cue-bid, following North's bid of one spade, but most experts would treat it as natural.
Following their successful bid, Owen was presented with the number 11 shirt by Real Madrid.
Usually said of a bid that is made immediately following RHO's bid.
Brown left office on January 20, 1981 following President Carter's unsuccessful bid for re-election.