Beginning in 1982, following her acceptance by the Sundance Institute, Helen wrote and directed a number of dramatic features for television.
In 1800 Wick moved with his family to the Western Reserve following his father's acceptance of missionary work in the region.
Despite all his doubts and questions, Rees found the shifts following his acceptance the happiest of his life.
Following mainstream Zionism's' acceptance of their earlier militant demand for a Jewish state they eventually rejoined in 1946.
Takeover fever has again swept the airline industry, following NWA's acceptance of a $3.64 billion offfer.
Reports on the aid, particularly following Turkey's acceptance of foreign assistance, helped.
Following its acceptance on 11 December 1941, the ship set sail for Scapa Flow.
Following the magazine's acceptance, Ms. Banamram said: "We never looked back.
Following his acceptance to the state bar, he entered private practice in Eastern Oregon in Union County.
Following its acceptance in 1933, Reed wrote a full script that was submitted to the Hays office for review.