Saarinen's own work is being restored to luminous life following decades of heavy use and inadequate care.
The Towers are now in a state of disrepair following several decades of neglect.
Following decades of heavy production, the timber harvest on public lands has declined by more than half in the last 10 years.
They were also exported to rice-consuming Asian countries, following decades of rapid economic growth and rising family incomes.
The school officially opened on July 1, 2008 following decades of dedicated development.
It aimed to set a new direction for transport in the city following decades of under-investment.
In the course of the 1960s and over the following decades, however, dynastic research marginalized interest in the subject.
This mission is an important one, Commissioner, because it creates a favourable climate for the development of the country following decades of conflict.
Well, following decades of non-existent customs barriers, Africa continues to grow poorer.
Following decades of decay there have been successful conversions to office and residential use.