It is only the third such center in Brooklyn and was approved by the State following a highly competitive process.
As of August, 2009, the situation is apparently resolved, following a protracted legal process.
Following a proven process that works, as follows, results in optimal deployment time, the least amount of frustration, and overall success.
Membership is by invitation only, following a peer review selection process.
Our country will be stronger, not weaker, if our next president assumes office following a process that most Americans believe is fair.
The assessments based on each of these scales can be converted to the other one following a defined process.
For more expensive blades, gold leafing applied by hand is employed, following a traditional process.
Following such a process the following more detailed set of criteria could be derived.
Following a long process, the text of the common position was produced, which reflects the compromise achieved through negotiation between the three institutions.
Created in 2006, this European fund is intended to provide assistance to employees made redundant following a process of restructuring.