Finally, following a mission by Owens to Lisbon in 1941, MI5 decided they could no longer trust him.
But in the hours following a tense and dangerous mission it is unusual for the participants to have anything much to say, except to each other.
Following a near-disastrous mission, Bane assumes leadership over the Six.
Following a mission to Ludwigshafen, Germany, on January 7, 1944, Stewart was promoted to major.
Following a fact-finding mission, Israel was exonerated of blame by the executive board.
Following a mission on the Trill homeworld, she and Bashir end their romance but decide to remain close friends.
Initially pods were intended to be disposed of by launching aircraft, either in flight or on the ground following a mission.
Following a mission to an alternate dimension to rescue Raven, the team is splits up.
I had the privilege of meeting him following a mission in Lebanon.
Kaguya was also deorbited following a successful mission, impacting near Gill crater on 12 June.