At most ski areas, all instructors are required to attend teaching clinics and for new recruits, these can take up several weekends following Thanksgiving.
Armada was finally made available at retail the day following Thanksgiving.
Since that season, the Steelers have played their game on the weekend following Thanksgiving on the road at the team's request.
Following Thanksgiving, the film fell a sharp 61% in its fifth weekend to $4,936,851 and finished in sixth place.
A follow-up report last Monday said that holiday sales continued to slow in the 10 days following Thanksgiving.
Public operations run between the last Friday in April and the first Sunday following Thanksgiving.
A lighting ceremony takes place when the lights are turned on for the first time of the season, usually the week following Thanksgiving.
This is held every year during the week following Thanksgiving.
Our visit, the weekend following Thanksgiving, every store was packed, and there were people everywhere.
They also hold an annual alumni game during the weekend following Thanksgiving.