Even as top city officials praised him, his followers in the Nation of Yahweh engaged in a pattern of violence, The Herald reported.
He said he and his followers would engage in civil disobedience measures, including possibly chaining themselves together in the Council chamber, on the day of the Council's final vote.
His followers would engage in wild bouts of drunken revelry and were thought to indulge in human sacrifice accomplished by tearing the victim into pieces.
A recent videotape of Mr. bin Laden in Afghanistan showed him and his followers engaging in combat training, including firing heavy weapons and storming buildings.
One young follower, Julian of Eclanum, engaged in spirited controversy with the angry old bishop.
After these "murders" (as Watie called them), followers of Watie and Ross engaged for years in violent conflict and retaliation.
He recommended that his followers engage in hitbodedut for at least one hour each day.
In an interview at his home, Mr. Thackery refused repeatedly to respond to charges that his followers had engaged in killing and destruction throughout the city.
He immediately began a highly energetic propaganda campaign against the government: he and his followers engaged in attacks against the President, Count Mihály Károlyi and his Social Democratic allies.
Schultz's followers engaged in a number of military skirmishes with the Riel government.