He and his followers broke down the door and he preached as usual.
His followers broke open a Franciscan Abbey so they could listen to Tausen, who packed the church daily for services.
He contended that most humans had been brainwashed by Lucifer, but that his followers could break free of this control.
Some criticize him as an egotistical demagogue who pushes followers to break the law and who is unwilling to recognize that change is incremental.
But Wallace Muhammad was drawn to mainstream Islam, and he and his followers broke away in 1977 to form a new group.
Officials tortured Li, but before they hurt him too seriously, Li's followers broke in and released him.
They leave, and the minister, in anguish, orders his followers to break the truce and attack the Cavaliers.
Other followers differed with Freud on basic questions and broke away.
Later, Baltar and his followers break into a polytheistic religious ceremony to denounce the old gods.
One hundred years ago Liszt, Wagner and their followers broke new ground with their "new music."