Bhakti Thapa and his followers in the counterattack appeared to have vowed to fight to the death.
Crooks had their instructions in advance on how to act should followers appear in this terrain.
While the police say they could arrest him again if they wanted, he and his followers appear to do what they like.
While cam and followers appear to be very similar to roller bearings in construction they have quite a few differences.
Uppermost in her mind was the fear that one day Kuz and his followers from the village might appear on the scene.
His chief followers appear to have been the Barrett family.
Every morning she and her followers appeared in the ambesed.
His followers appeared to support him financially after he sought bankruptcy protection a year ago, in the face of $600,000 in debts.
Bamberg ministeriales, that is to say, the bishop's followers, have appeared in the historic record since 1121.
Neither Colin nor his followers appeared to notice the intrusion.