It was just some follow-up discussions to clarify some things.
A follow-up discussion also occurred on the W3C questions and answers blog.
Typically, potential interns are first interviewed on campus, then flown to Redmond, Wash. for follow-up discussions.
In order to ensure that the history requirements are fully covered there should be follow-up discussion and questioning.
The paper contains three parts, which take the form of an interview section, a collaborative task and individual long turns with follow-up discussion.
A follow-up discussion will take place online from Tuesday through March 26 at www .
During a follow-up discussion, the actors analyzed with the audience both versions of the scene.
Film buffs can increasingly look to the Web as a sort of cyberspace cafe for follow-up discussion when viewing a controversial or thought-provoking film.
During a follow-up discussion, she asked the class to compile a list of words to describe a magic show.
The approach is similar: select sequences of the right length for your purpose; set previewing tasks or questions; allow time for follow-up discussion.