Studies have shown that adequate prevention, diagnosis and treatment of depression and alcohol and substance abuse can reduce suicide rates, as does follow-up contact with those who have made a suicide attempt.
Arrange three or more follow-up contacts by visit or by telephone.
It said, "Failure to reply to this notice will result in a follow-up contact and possible field audit."
Finally, step seven, the intervention specialist is to arrange for follow-up contact with the client to evaluate his or her post crisis condition in order to make certain resolution towards progressing.
Arrange follow-up support: Minimal follow-up support: Arrange for single follow-up contact by visit or by telephone in about 2 weeks; provide referral to a smoking counselor or group.
In 32 years of follow-up contact, 131 participants died of heart disease, including 26 who suffered sudden cardiac deaths.
With more than nine-tenths of the voyage complete, they had made direct first contact with eleven different civilizations, eight of which had expressed interest in follow-up contact by the Federation.
This information is needed by USDA to respond to the requestor and initiate follow-up contact with the requestor if required.
NDIC Field Program Specialists located throughout the country were responsible for follow-up contacts with sample agencies that were mailed a survey.
Arrange: Schedule follow-up contacts (in person or by telephone) to provide ongoing assistance/support and to adjust the treatment plan as needed, including referral to more intensive or specialized treatment.