Ms. Rogoff said she then called news organizations to follow up the release.
Later that year, she followed up the single release with studio album titled 1200 Riverside on November 1, 2011.
They followed up the release with "Kareshi Boshūchū" in November of that same year.
The group quickly followed up the release with 2003's Living Outside.
The group followed up the release of An Ocean in the Air with a self-organized and self-financed national tour.
There were plans for a reality show around Denters in the United States, which followed up the release of her debut album.
Eleftheria will follow up the release with her own solo single in mid-2013.
The band followed up the release of the album with tours in Summer and Fall 2009.
Loscil followed up the release with Submers, an aquatic-themed album.
Wizards quickly followed up the release of TPO with several supplements to help build on the system's foundation.