They engaged in the quarrels, followed the fortunes, and fought under the greater chiefs.
"Life on the Run" follows the fortunes of the film crew as they track the hunters.
The best way to understand the system is to follow the fortunes of the now-defunct Liberal Party.
Setting that aside, however, let us follow the fortunes of the departing spirit.
My life followed the shifting fortunes of the war.
For the reason of this we must follow the fortunes of the next unit upon their right.
Those who followed the fortunes of the Yankees would say that his father was dead serious, though he might have smiled when he said it.
A slightly built man with white hair and bright eyes, Clint said he would continue to follow the fortunes of the team closely.
However, he is often a visitor to team practices and follows the fortunes of the athletes.
The power of the steel union has followed the fortunes of the mills.