Loyola followed suit the following December and also dropped football from the University's athletic program.
The political composition of the borough council was as follows following each election from 1967 to 1972:
A complete family would follow, again following a clear naming convention.
He followed Barlo down the dark ridge, again following the nocturnal guidance projected into his mind.
He found that the whole troop followed him along like children in a small town, following a stranger.
These streets follow a circular path, presumably following the location of the historic walls.
I followed the small stream a kilometer to the northeast, following a deepening in its sound, until suddenly it dropped from sight.
We decided to go along with it, but we really followed the kids, following a few steps behind them.
Cornwallis did not follow the victory with pursuit, instead following his plan to cross the river.
The system is said to be Balanced if it follows following two conditions: