Everybody else followed him, except for Kevin, who was surreptitiously wiping his eyes.
If using lettuce, follow all instructions except for frying.
The story in the manga follows the anime but more the Novels almost exactly, except for information coming up earlier, or later.
Silence followed, except for that faint scrape of a key outside the front door.
We might be following their example, except for the choice of moon.
They mostly follow an irregular pattern, except for those that border a path to the church's north porch.
There were no signs to follow except for the small cairns of stones that had been placed at intervals.
The remaining provinces quickly followed suit, except for Quebec, which did not do so until 1940.
Silence followed, except for the ascending rumble of the elevator.
He followed the perimeter generally, except for a detour around the border of the women's group.