He said the step followed disturbances in the camp, in which two Palestinians were reported wounded.
Following disturbances in Southall, London, in April 1979, when Asian youths assembled to protest against a National Front political rally during the general election, and when a New Zealand demonstrator was killed, some alleged by a blow from a police officer, the Home Secretary set in motion a review of the law.
There followed riots and serious disturbances in London, Birmingham, Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Yeovil, Sherborne, Exeter and Bristol.
This suggested but did not confirm a black bear culprit, as black bears often drag their prey away from the initial kill and feeding site, especially following disturbances by people.
This follows disturbances caused by overcrowding of prisons and long stays in detention without charges of prisons.
Finally, 1 patient had tachiarrhythmic disturbances, followed by an acute episode of cardiac failure.
India took over Sikkim, its protectorate, following prolonged internal disturbances there while Singh was Foreign Secretary.
The prey mechanism is similar to that of the other cobweb spiders: the spider follows disturbances transmitted along the web to entangle and then paralyze its prey, which usually consists of household insects and other invertebrates (often considered as pests).
The weekend's violence followed disturbances that have marred similar gatherings of young people up and down the East Coast.
Difficult as it may seem, however, the mother must find time for recreation, for if she does not there will follow disturbances, generally in the quantity, or sometimes in the quality, of her milk.