For those who would like to follow classes by Mr. Saturnino [but do not live in Curaçao] can follow percussion classes via skype.
Foreign students must hold a Bachelors or an equivalent degree, have a visa and follow compulsory Spanish classes.
Lunch follows classes and then a compulsory siesta period.
ICES' 900 students follow classes, conferences and symposiums given by nationally and internationally renowned professors from France and abroad.
The Lycée's post-Baccalauréat students follow classes in the Bâtiment Coste, part of the former English College.
People follow their interests, change professions, and even social classes, as they see fit!
Players generally need to learn the basic sounds and traditional rhythm samples (4/4 and 12/8) to be able to follow classes.
He also followed classes at Laval and the Académie Commerciale of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Following classes will be charged with expanding this post.
The school started on 1 May 1908 with about 100 pupils, of whom 60 followed regular classes.