But the probe - which followed claims of beatings - found no evidence of 'pindown' -style cruelty.
The investigation follows claims from several residents who allegedly said they were unaware they were helping the party.
As with "Still Life: Job," long research usually follows claims for restitution.
But the random walk is a hard system to follow, human instincts and claims to insights about the future being what they are.
This followed persistent claims by these channels about the Gulf forces strafing demonstrators with warplanes and destroying mosques.
The move followed claims that single-company agents were styling themselves as brokers.
The comments follow claims from other leading authors that a rise in the use of modern technology was undermining children's grasp of English.
It follows claims by the right-wing British National Party that they've launched a recruitment drive in the area.
The investigation follows claims in a television documentary last year that it had re-routed aid money from the Norwegian government to avoid paying tax.
It follows claims that dozens of its police and security forces were killed in attacks there.