The disclosure follows charges by the slain girl's relatives that child welfare officials had ignored danger signals for years.
Criticism of Pemex has grown in recent months, following unconfirmed charges by a former official that the company falsifies its estimates of oil reserves.
The settlement follows charges that the firm improperly withheld damaging information about an S.& L. client.
The investigation followed charges that surfaced after the Eagles played the Cowboys on Thanksgiving Day.
The move followed renewed charges that Libya, which Kenya viewed as trying to unsettle the region, was spying on this nation.
Later, there would follow criminal charges and a grand jury proceeding, a blunt intrusion of law and order into a carefree world.
That incident followed charges in January 1990 by a Haitian woman that she had been assaulted by an employee of the grocery store.
Following charges of illegal marketing, settlements by two large pharmaceutical companies in the US set records for the largest criminal fines ever imposed on corporations.
Following charges of illegal marketing, two of the settlements set records last year for the largest criminal fines ever imposed on corporations.
Following charges of bribery and perverting the course of justice, he was defeated in the New Zealand general election, 2008.