Despite this, the show gathered a cult following, particularly amongst students, which still exists to this day.
I followed the campaign amongst the garbage cans.
Although it is not as widely available as the other varieties, it has a cult following, particularly amongst uni students.
Beasts will follow him anywhere, wi' scarcely a bleat amongst them.
Other African nations also followed suit, with Senegal prominent amongst them.
She followed his gesture to the baggage cart amongst the trees.
Serious and experienced writers follow unwritten rules amongst each other in order to maintain a hierarchy of respect within the community.
Over the years, his mostly self-released albums have gained a cult following, notably amongst musicians.
However following a threat of strike action amongst the players when the club wished to introduce different pay levels, it was increase to five shillings (25p).
Following a threat of strike action amongst the players when the club wished to introduce different pay levels, he was given an increase to five shillings (25p).