The scandal which followed accusations of plagiarism left Merezhkovsky utterly disgusted.
Following later accusations, Pantani went into a depression from which he never fully recovered.
Today's shooting followed accusations last week that fourth-grade children had sexual activities in the same elementary school, the Winston Educational Center, where the 14-year-old student was killed.
Mangum was arrested on April 2, 2011, following accusations that she stabbed and seriously injured her boyfriend.
The inquiry follows accusations that these other cadets have long been subject to a climate of religious intolerance.
The effort, which follows accusations that the city had ignored the problem, is a partnership between the department and the sheriff's office in Wayne County.
However, the change followed accusations that the center's real interest was not science but reforming culture along lines favored by conservative Christians.
The attack followed accusations of incompetence that led to a rebel ambush a month ago in which 36 Russians died.
His comments come following accusations that the intelligence services were involved in torture and providing questionable information about Iraq.
This followed accusations of plagiarism.