He conveyed a sense of vigor and alertness, but seemed to lack the sort of folksy good humor that has marked so many of his previous speeches.
Overall, the speech was a vintage Clinton performance: Long, leavened with a touch of folksy humor, rich in policy detail, and (slightly) late in coming.
I was past it before I caught the full meaning of its folksy humor (and Atkins topicality).
And so he tries daily to balance his rough-hewn ways with his folksy humor, looking to charm voters even as he offers them tough medicine.
With his folksy, homespun humor, Snead loved nothing more than sitting around sharing stories of golf.
Sipes blinked and smiled thinly, more out of surprise than amusement, he wasn't expecting folksy humor at this stage in the proceedings.
With his folksy humor and warm tributes to centenarians, Mr. Scott is the "iconic weatherman."
Tory forced a smile in response to the folksy, cornpone humor in his voice.
The white-haired judge also was known for his folksy humor as he sent scores of defendants off to prison or freedom in one of the county's busiest courts.
Lewis Grizzard, the writer and columnist who recalled the mythic South with folksy humor and nostalgia, died yesterday in Atlanta.