The scene is accompanied by the triumphant Cossack march of the Ukrainian folkloric song about Sahaidachny.
Najwa said, "it's full of folkloric, balady songs, similar to Saharny and her 90's releases".
And in the finale, with its folkloric song setting for soprano, Britten highlights the music's inner turbulence.
The classes focus on Afro-Cuban folkloric song, dance, and percussion.
Flamenco singers often sing several types of folkloric songs, lending them flamenco musical features.
In 1995, the band was formed by young musicians who started re-arranging several folkloric songs, and produced them again in a contemporary way.
That might be because they often begin with folkloric songs and shift to film music.
An innate part of the Turkish psyche, folkloric song and dance can erupt at any moment and overwhelm even the most intrepid expatriate.
Towards the second half of the 19th century, some interpreters gave the first steps in transforming this folkloric songs into real flamenco.
He renewed hundreds of Kurdish folkloric songs.