These folk devils can be used for political advancement or financial gain via lawsuits such as those that have targeted game makers.
We've turned our deviants into folk devils with names like Hoody.
Hostility - Hostility towards the group in question increases, and they become "folk devils".
It is important at this stage that the "moral entrepreneurs" are vocal and the "folk devils" appear weak and disorganised.
I live in the North East - a region supposedly overly dependent on public sector jobs (the new folk devils of the right).
The pursuit of folk devils frequently intensifies into a mass movement that is called a moral panic.
The mass media sometimes get in on the act or attempt to create new folk devils to create controversies.
Sometimes the campaign against the folk devil influences a nation's politics and legislation.
The identification of folk devils may reflect the efforts of powerful institutions to displace social anxieties.
Three of the Americans were bare-chested and sunburned red, so that they looked to her like oni, Japanese folk devils.