Good folk complain about the Herald's advertisements, but everyone reads them.
Some folks have complained that the campaign actually sent them into epileptic seizures.
I warn you-if the noble folk complain, I will beat you.
Pro-death-penalty folks complain bitterly that the moratorium is a euphemism for abolition.
Of course, folks have complained about these issues for a long time, much the same about why there isn't a consolidated Linux distro.
As it is, we schedule a chariot race once an hour on busy days, but folks complain if they have to wait.
The city's poor folk have been complaining about a lack of driftwood, anyway, so it won't be a total loss.
"Yet the lord would have to begreatlywicked, for his own folk to complain of him!"
I thought that folks were just complaining that it was hard to get into public housing.
He was supposed to be the good guy that year, so folk didn't complain.