It means companies like Bosch have been able to bring us robots that can help around the house with tasks like cleaning up and folding clothes.
Dixie then appears folding clothes when she then spots a picture of her and Tad.
She found Jessica calmly folding clothes and packing shoes into paper bags.
The quiet rituals of washing the dishes or folding clothes.
I can't be folding clothes and watching him at the same time.
"John points the store out to all his friends, and Indira likes to practice working by folding clothes and punching buttons on the cash register."
She was folding clothes and putting them in a trunk.
Laundry rooms may also include storage cabinets, countertops for folding clothes, and, space permitting, a small sewing machine.
Nai stopped folding clothes and put her hand on Nicole's forearm.
The fourth grader, whose favorite subjects are science and math, was not interested in sorting and folding clothes.