Helios's program WildEdit is an interactive tool for power users to make the same changes to a set of text files in a folder hierarchy.
Organization is used to create playlists, or to organize the media collection into a folder hierarchy, by specific artists, albums, or genres.
Since the entire folder hierarchy is not accessed, the search is completed much faster.
Novices also don't understand and/or can't be bothered to deal with logical folder hierarchies.
Moving upwards in the folder hierarchy via the title bar pop-up menu tends not to honor the position and state of the spawned window.
You can even tell iTunes to leave files where they are, so you can use your existing folder hierarchy.
Albums may be organized into collections, which may not be the same as a folder hierarchy.
You can't just put arbitrary ePub files into the folder hierarchy and expect it to work.
This allows files to be searched for by their attributes, in ways not possible using a folder hierarchy, such as finding "pictures which have person X".
I think the folder hierarchy went like this: