Then again, Fannie's view of fields under a sun hanging red in a dark, foggy sky is one of the best paintings in the show.
An orange fireball lifted the roof and billowed up into the foggy sky.
This involves overcast or foggy skies in the morning which yield to sun by early afternoon.
The default weather report calls for overcast or foggy skies, and the ocean water stays in the 50's year-round.
The foggy night sky reflected back a faint amber glow from the surrounding city.
The high dome of the great building was barely discernible against the foggy sky.
He looked up at a tree eight hundred feet high, with a corona of azure leaves against a foggy sky.
After a few minutes, we learned that a pilot flying a single-engine plane had become disoriented in the foggy night sky above McAllen and was circling the airport, waiting to be talked down.
Eyes toward the foggy sky, he gave an amazed gasp.
It came from the foggy skies outside.