But Blade was not sure that his fogged mind and aching head could take in any more.
At first her fogged mind thought it was merely a large fish, but then she heard a rapping sound on the hard transparent surface.
Thank God Nash had a change of heart, he thought in his fogged mind.
As we moved out, I began to hear bird cries; a moment later my fogged mind and muffled senses connected to give me an answer.
For a second the mist cleared from Diskan's fogged mind.
The pretty one had come to help him, his fogged mind told him over and over.
Then, slowly the entire sordid nightmare of the night before flickered back through his fogged mind.
His fogged mind tried to show him a picture of ivy leaves lined up in a row.
Warning signals went off in Duncan's fogged mind, but too slowly for him to react.
Now it was important that she should not appear a senile old woman with a fogged and aimless mind.