Fassel, like all National Football League coaches, has too many goals for a preseason game to focus unduly on victory - even against a team the Giants lost twice to a year ago.
This criticism probably focuses unduly on the personality and ideology of Richard Stallman, who has nonetheless sought to solicit donors for such schemes.
Smiley criticized comments from Malatia suggesting that the program focused unduly on advocacy for African American social and political issues and that the program's guests were "far less inclusive" than the station wished.
If you focus unduly on inconsequential things, the important ones might be diluted.
According to Barker such interpretations water down the revolutionary aspects of Marx's ideas and focus unduly on their reformist tendencies.
Some think that he continues to focus unduly on inflation at the expense of jobs and higher wages, and that his failure to cut American interest rates sooner has exacerbated the global crisis.
Left-wing and liberal groupings tend to focus unduly on the fine detail of such matters.
But we should not focus unduly on the negative aspects of these events.
Detractors charged that his work was "popular" history, more superficial than overarching, focusing unduly on goods, services and processes at the expense of ideas and ideologies.
He also coached that crews should not focus unduly on positioning their bodies according to rigid rules but should instead concentrate on the movement of the blade, creating an easy, flowing movement.