The bull sees better peripherally; their eyes don't focus straight ahead.
They focused straight ahead, then shifted slowly to Noah.
Now he kept his eyes focused straight ahead, talked to no one and hurried down the dirt road to the store.
She kept her gaze focused straight ahead as she turned the corner and punched the down button.
He walked evenly at her side, boots cracking loudly against the worn plastic floor, his blue eyes focused straight ahead.
As Preston stared, he could see the burning eyes focused straight above the sheet of paper.
Bosch looked over at the plaintiff's table and saw Deborah Church sitting there by herself, eyes focused straight ahead.
Never slowing, his eyes focused straight ahead, Cad-derly flew over the short alley expanse.
McCoy limped toward the door, keeping his eyes resolutely focused straight ahead.
Chet's hands were braced against the steering wheel, his gaze focused straight ahead.