The paper predominately focuses on stories largely revolving around celebrities, sport, and news and gossip about popular television programmes, such as soap operas and reality TV shows.
Groups predominately focus on child abuse and neglect, child fatalities, foster care, youth aging out of foster care, preventing foster care placement, and adoption.
Danh's art focuses predominately on the Vietnam War era and he has been quoted as saying that a lot of his work is involved with the theme of death.
"During the first 10 years of this job we focused predominately on growing the domestic businesses," Mr. Eisner said.
SnoCore originally focused predominately on punk and ska groups and routed through ski communities.
The early Washington wine industry focused predominately on white wines but in recent years, led by the "Merlot-craze" of the 1990s have shifted the focus to the state's red wines.
Between 1994 and 2003, the company focused predominately on research and development.
Human memory researchers had been predominately focusing on memory storage, and were only beginning to look at memory encoding.
In high school he studied jazz while predominately focusing on trombone.
This imprint label focused predominately on garage releases.