This became the title for a book and television miniseries focusing on the year 1977 in New York City.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bronx is Burning is a book by Jonathan Mahler that focuses on the year 1977 in New York City.
The organization was formed in 2001, and is primarily focused in New York City and surrounding areas.
NFTY was originally focused in three regions - New York City, Chicago, and Pennsylvania; it soon expanded to all areas of the UAHC.
Wilentz' historical scholarship has focused on the importance of class and race in the early national period, especially in New York City.
It focused on a single homicide unit in New York City.
Founded in 2008, focuses on higher-end properties, especially in New York City.
The first publication of their research was focused on the events of September 11, 2001 in New York City, New York.
Most law-enforcement officials agree that the worst crack violence is focused largely in New York City and Florida, where much of the cocaine used in producing crack is smuggled into the country.