Eighty to five hundred eggs are deposited in a foamy mass at the bottom of a burrow.
Something deep in Christian loosened, and all the Chartreuse came up--green, hot, churned into a foamy mass now.
Up to 1000 eggs per clump are laid in a non foamy masses in shallow water.
The Pacific was the color of liquid steel, the waves a foamy mass of aluminum and chrome.
Breeding takes place in spring and summer and eggs are laid as a foamy mass in the nest, hidden from sunlight.
About 1500 eggs are laid in floating foamy masses.
Breeding occurs mostly after heavy rain and eggs are laid in a floating foamy mass, often attached to vegetation.
His hair was a foamy mass of waves, all brown and gold.
Eggs are laid in a large floating foamy mass.
Up to 650 eggs are laid in a foamy mass and tadpoles are notoriously cannibalistic.