The broker promised that one of the top transplant surgeons in Israel would be flying with them to perform the operation.
A consultant is instructed by the client to fly to Scotland to perform some work.
First, United States astronauts would fly to the Mir station to perform experiments and help enhance its gear and abilities.
It indicated he had been suspended from flying for failure to perform to standards and failing to show up for a physical.
I'm flying to Mexico with a rather melancholy duty to perform.
Later that year, the girls flew to LA to perform at the Hagman's Hollywood home.
The band flew back to Indianapolis to perform a show that same night.
Upon finishing the video shoot, the band flew to New York to perform.
On February 15, 2009, Jimmy Newquist flew back to the United States to perform live concerts again.
Every two years there is a Performing Arts Tour which, for those who participate, involves flying to other parts of the world to perform.