A business executive flying overseas in first class may already have enough room, and would welcome a few bells and whistles.
Travelers flying overseas from Boston now pass through one of the first terminals built with post-9/11 security procedures in mind.
And 65 percent of people in households with a median annual income over $75,000 were willing to fly overseas soon.
Many of them gave us rather surprised looks, no doubt wondering how two young students could be so privileged to be flying overseas.
Only one Canadian reporter flew overseas to cover the 1987 tournament.
He found a way to travel with the stars that flew overseas to entertain the troops.
My husband considered flying overseas to reassure him that all is all right.
Similarly I am certain my husband will fly overseas to his parents when the basic need to see them outweighs simple primal fear.
But it's sure not often I end up flying overseas with nothing onboard but a package.
The returning troops will take up some of the slack left by the continuing concerns about flying overseas.