He had flown over 4,500 hours in 148 different types of aircraft.
For the month of May 2008 the squadron flew over 350 hours.
The squadron flew over 12,000 mishap-free hours in support of combat operations.
The squadron flew over 450 hours in a seven-day period.
During the 7 month operation, the Hunter was flown over 4000 hours.
He retired from test flying in 1987, having flown over 6,000 hours.
He has flown over 5,700 hours in more than 30 different types of aircraft.
VMAQ-3 flew over 3,900 hours in support of ground combat forces.
He was the youngest captain of a pilot crew throughout the nation, having been flying for 16 years and over ten thousand hours.
In late 1991, VF-41 had flown over 46,500 hours without an accident over a period of 11 years.