The bats reluctantly unfurled their wings and flew lazily into the darkness.
Smaller shapes, some like other airships, some winged, flew lazily about it.
Three hundred meters to the south, a war- bler is flying lazily over the Aare.
The plane flew lazily on up the centre of the fjord, maybe two thousand metres away now; the missile lanced out on an intercept course.
Colorful flags and streamers atop every point snapped lightly and flew lazily in the wind.
Drogon flew almost lazily at Kraznys, black wings beating.
Even the birds seemed to be flying lazily by in the hot summer weather.
Hours later, a pair of United States military helicopters flew lazily over the port and adjoining seaside slum areas as curious residents gaped.
Flynn frowned and stared at the great pennant flying lazily in the early-evening breeze.
Trisha's head swam when she sat up; a squadron of large black moths unfolded their wings and went flying lazily across her field of vision.