"The flux level on this containment field is awfully high, did you know that?"
Because of the very low flux level of the high-energy γ -rays, observing periods are typically about 2 weeks.
This capability directly supports the SunShot goals by providing flux levels of greater than 250 W/cm2 and total power in excess of 6 MWt.
Hall effect semiconductors will measure low flux levels although their response tends to be non-linear and temperature dependent.
Preliminary survey of the radio stars in the Northern Hemisphere (sometimes called the 1C catalogue) at 81.5-MHz (unreliable at low flux levels)
But it had been a difficult period; some of the jumps had required flux levels well above those recommended.
Direct, reasonable flux levels, no abrupt course changes, adequate clearance of the mapped obstacles.
"If there is a suitably high flux level, the inter-continuum pressure can probably overcome quite a high base reality quotient," said the Reader in Invisible Writings.
Further increases in winding current then produce a diminishing return in terms of improved flux level.
The only difference is practical; Gardon gauges can be manufactured in such a way that they withstand extremely high flux levels.